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Old 02-12-2011, 11:44 PM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Tennessee
Posts: 40
jtown125 is on a distinguished road

in my original post last april you were the one who suggested that it was the aftermarket blow off valve...
Question: It is an older type blow off valve not a ssqv.
From what I read, the newer style valves allow for the air not to completely escape unless under extreme load.
So, my question is will a newer style bov help out any?

I don't want to go back to the OEM style, I would rather go with an aftermarket bypass valve.

Also, in the original post I said in my last post that I had reset the computer and I had no problems out of it....until now....
ten months later... which confuses me beyond all belief...

I reset the computer last night and took it out with no luck...

I have a really retarded question too:
If I was to take it too a shop and get them to tune it to where the timing was retarded a little would it make up for the stall?????
The car runs extremely rich in the first place....
89 mkIII turbo supra stick black w/ maroon interior!!!
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