When ever in doubt about an odd part. Check with Aaron at driftmotion. He is a great guy and customer service is like no one else...
Here is the oem cover.$12.00+ shipping..
Or even better a billet cover. $65.00+ shipping
Ps... your BPV is on its way you'll prob see it by wed.!

1995 Toyota Supra SE 71k miles. Master power T70
stock 2jzge
1989 Toyota Supra. 1jzgte swap 5 speed of course..
Driftmotion 60-1 single turbo kit. Cxracing FMIC. 2jz 550cc injectors... soon to come..... EMS Stinger. BC 264 cams 680cc injectors Spec stage 4 clutch and A LOT of boost!------SOLD
1999 Ford F350 diesel
2004 Jaguar XJR Supercharged
If it hasnt broke you haven pushed it hard enough!!
Last edited by Travis89Turbo; 02-13-2011 at 04:06 AM.