Originally Posted by cre
Machine work... If it seized it's going to need to be machined, if not replaced.
Don't forget all new seals. Might as well replace the timing belt pulley before it comes apart or get the walls tack welded to ensure they don't come off. Replace the valve stem seals while the head's off. Get the head dye and vacuum tested. Make sure NOTHING is warped. You'll need to have the block inspected to make sure the cylinders aren't out of round. The crank is most likely going to need reworked and you'll need a different size bearing. If I think of anything else I'll post it. You'll know more once you get it apart though.
You da man. Ya for sure I was going to have the block done up and machined.its awesome its so cheap. Fuck me in... If I have to replace the block. Though I have done cheap options.