well recently, i went to go change my transmission fluid,
did all the work to change it. drove it home and about an hour later there was transmission fluid all over the ground..
so immediately i squeeazed my way under the car and found out that a bolt broke off and 2 bolts were loose. my bad right? didnt check them all close enough

the next day i take it back to the shop and put it on the hoist, the mechanic told me that i need to tap it out. (i told him i should reverse tap it cuz it would be easier, and he said no it wont work....so i didnt argue and just did it his way)
so i started drilling into the bolt so i can tap it out, the mechanic came back to check on what i was doing and he said i drilled crooked so now he had to widen the hole to tap it and widen it to get another bolt in... he does that, puts the pan back on and i tighten all the bolts and lower the hoist. i start my car and transmission fluid is spraying out, (like it was connected to a pressure hose) so i leave it on the hoist and let it go. i talk to him on the phone and ask why oil is spraying everywhere and he says i drilled into the transmission. a month later i tow it home. and at this point im wondering why its leaking, like i get into depth and search for the spot its leaking from. immediately when i get under the car and i look above the new bolt that he tapped and put in, and i see a hole right above it.. i look closely and see that its bigger than the drill i was using to drill out the bolt in the first place. me and my friend(the mechanics son) are trying to figure out why this hole is so big.... it turns out, by further looking into it, when the mechanic widen the hole and threaded it to make a bolt fit he drilled into the transmission

when the car starts the fluid just sprays out of that hole.. theres is my story on my transmission......
the reason i told you that is becuz it helps me explain why im asking this question....
im to the point where i need to get my car running i got school, work and college are coming very quick, and there are threee daily driver for one car..when this problem first happened i wanted to do a manual swap.. well idk if thats gonna happen becuz i dont know a single thing about taking an auto trans out and putting the clutch kit in a new manual trans, and then bolting the manual one back up to the engine...
my question is this...
i dont know much about how to take the transmission off, how do i go about doing that?
second, how do i go about installing a new clutch kit in a manual trans and bolting that up?
can i do it at home in my garage... well i know i can but the real question is
can a person with no transmission replacment experience do this?
thanks in advance and thanks for listening to my rant also
PS please dont tell me that i need to look in the forums for a how to do on this stuff..i did and nothin comes up on it, none like a in depth or a how to.. just some things like "...you gotta unbolt the bolts fromt the engine.." i know theres more to that... please im in a deep situation and i really need your guys' help. please help me out the best you can.
thanks to all..
and if you think i should take another route, please advise on that,
some pics of the hole