The TPS really doesn't matter at all which model 7M it's from as long as the inner tabs are of the same alignment as the tabs on the throttle body. There was a change in the TB on 89' and up MKIII's where the TPS' and TB's actuator tabs were changed and are offset 90? from the pre89. I think the fins/tabs on the pre89 (both GTE and GE) were horizontal and on the 89+ N/A they were vertical... I don't know if the 89+ GTE changed though. If the tabs mate right up, you're fine (there's no difference in the internals); If they're off 90? it won't work.
5? may make a small difference but not much.. if you can really feel a big shift then something else probably needs attention.
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Last edited by cre; 03-01-2011 at 11:09 PM.