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Old 03-03-2011, 02:18 AM   #7
3" Exhaust
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Default another coolant leak idea for you.

Hi there.
be real specific about where that coolant leak is. If it's clearly under the water pump and you're sure that's the leak - there you have it, replace the water pump. It's very very easy to do. An afternoon at most, 1 hour if you're fast maybe 2.

However, if it's 'around' that area, it could be several sources, but the one that is suggested a lot on this forum and was my problem I eventually tracked was the 90 degree hose underneath the thermostat which is right in that area - sort of a mysterious almost untrackable 'under' the water pump and 'behind it' just slightly towards the motor side. It's very hard to diagnose without taking out crap around it. That means unbolt the PS reservoir, remove bracket, probably take out the CPS to get more clearance. If you have tiny fingers you might be able to replace that hose without removing anything and it's got screw type hose clamps that are aligned the right way to get out, but I wouldn't bet on that. My personal experience caused me fits, and my car blew coolant all over like a whale spout erupting but only after I reached highway speeds and over 2500 rpms (I guess it had to build up enough pressure to spit it out of the small leak).

Hope that helps somewhat. I do have a link about my repair if you want to read more.
88 Supra 7M-GTE Turbo, TEMS, Targa stock
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