Heh, I'm married to one... does that count?

Wow, I never thought I'd be able to use that in conversation!
It's more a matter of someone coming to you to ask for help or advice or for you to bake a f#$%ing cake without any manners, no attempts to make sure that it's easy for you, no specific details and without respecting and understanding the fact that clear and concise language is critical in the all but T9 and FaceBook... It's also flat out more important that the people you want help from don't feel put out because you can't be bothered to lose those couple extra seconds.
I'm not asking for perfection. My grammar isn't the best; I try so it's [the site] easier for you to use, understand and so future users may actually find something using the search feature. Now quit pissing in the pool!
If you didn't catch that I'll run it through the Google English to Nglish translator:
heh im married to one does that count

OMGWTFGTFO i never thought i b able 2 use dat n conversation is more matter of s/o come over u 2 ask 4 help advice n u to bake a f#$%ing cake w/o ne manners no attempts 2 make sure dat its easy 4 u nd a/o else 2 understand nd w/o respecting and understanding the fact that clear nd concise language b critical n the tech world its also flat out mo important dat the people u want help frm dont feel put out cause u cant b bothered 2 lose those 2 extra secs im not asking for perfection my grammar in't da best i try for you nd da other users of dis forum so its easier 4 u 2 use understand nd so future users find something using the search feature now say goodbye
I hope that will provide a clearer picture of what the older, vetted crowd (and some of us younger but not afraid to use our public school English lessons crowd) are getting sick to death of. If you want help but you want more to be ignored, go for it; Act like a punk with NO real language, cop attitude when asked to make your posts legible and most of the people I work with and on the various forums WILL IGNORE YOU (Well, at least most of the ones who you should be listening to will).
I'm just going to start banning people who aren't able to speak whichever language their preferences are set for. If you want to speak Spanish, fine speak Spanish... but don't insult it and Google will still do a better job than have the mangled crap we see here.
Do you hear me now?
If you want to argue about us asking for very simple and basic things in return then go ask daddy to pay someone to fix it... Hell might even be one of us who does the work, but we'll at least be getting paid and taking no lip from some punk kid. Granted, there are older folks who are just as bad but as they only come in to drop it off they speak less and don't write anything so... it's a bit smoother.
If you or anyone else thinks it is really that crazy then take a hike; You won't be happy here.
PS, I'm sure I packed in a LOT of grammatical errors in that rant... but it's a rant... who screams with proper grammar?