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Old 03-12-2011, 12:58 AM   #16
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: kentucky
Posts: 42
graywolf1969 is on a distinguished road
Default there only one on my 89

so what your saying there is two bc i dont have 2 i have a red one and it run so goood
Originally Posted by cre View Post
What are you saying? You know he's missing a VSV and which one it is? Are you both in the same location?

There are two VSV's under the intake and the fuel pressure up VSV is quite important.... If it's missing he could be having a number of problems including damage from running lean. I can't remember the color of each, but new one is a brownish orange and the other is blue.

EDIT: Well, whichever parts you two have found are missing, be sure the vacuum system is properly routed to account for it and make sure that none of the missing parts are related to the fuel supply.
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