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Old 03-23-2011, 08:28 PM   #21
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: South of Columbus, Ohio
Posts: 45
El_supracabra is on a distinguished road


The head was milled .020" and the block was decked down .007" and the Cometic Headgasket is .051" so essentially its the same thickness as stock (i think, i keep getting different answers on stock thickness) i have also seen stock HG thickness at .053") so in the spirit of being safe we'll say

thats a total of .029" reduction. My understanding is that there is (standard) 1 mm of piston to valve clearance (.03937") (ive also heard that there is 1.5mm but i went with the safer lower clearance)

so that gives me.....*crunching numbers* .01037" of piston to valve clearance. (allowing for some thermal expansion etc. etc.)

Does that sound right?
86.5 Supra NA: milled head .020, decked block .007, .5mm+ pistons, port & polished intake manifold and cyl head,OBX header, 3-angle, cold air intake, Cometic MLS HG. ALL NATURAL!

CHEVROLET- Cracked Heads, Every Valve Rattles, Oil Leaks Every Time

FORD- Flipped Over, Rebuilt Dodge

DODGE- Dirty Old Dust Gathering Engine

I'd rather drive a Toyota, than push a ford.
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