I will give you three answers and I'm ignoring your posts thereafter.... it's just too damned painful.
1) Test the dimmer for gauge lighting. Just pull it out and jumper the White wire with green stripe to the White wire with the black stripe.
2) Test/replace the radiator cap and test the pH of the coolant to make sure the HG didn't blow again... just because you just fixed it doesn't mean that you *fixed* it.
3) 50/50 coolant is premixed, you do not add more water to it. It's not going to do any short term damage in warm environments but does not protect against dielectric erosion as it should.
If something breaks or you need to contact a member of the administration please post HERE. Unless it's a private or administration matter please post it on the forum. It benefits no one else if car related questions aren't posted for future users and takes away from the time I'm able to spend helping on the rest of the forum.
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