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Old 04-02-2011, 05:09 PM   #1
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Default what proper steps to take..

First off im far from a mechanic, im a yacht body repair man. i picked up this supra over the winter and started doing the major body repairs..i just installed the new battery, she starts right up..i have the "birdcage light on" the guy i bought the car from has one of those aftermarket dual fans installed..but theres 2 wires missing out of its control box. and ideas where they go? the idle is a little wierd it holds steady for a while then drops a bit (then the check engine light comes on) i give it a little gas and it goes away..

ok so the point of this was when i bring it to the mechanic..what are the first things i should check on a car that has been sitting for 3 years???
i dont want to get taken advantage of due to my lack of mech knowledge.

enclosed is a pic of what looks to be a place where something is missing or broken, any idea on the name of this piece..?

thanks for your help. sorry for any spelling and or gramma errors.. go easy on me :P
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1987 toyota supra turbo/targa 7mgte
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