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Old 04-07-2011, 07:44 PM   #16
12psi boost
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Originally Posted by ccorbin81 View Post
Since you clearly do not understand the concept of automobile rigidity, and the fact that this is merely personal preference, I will bury that argument.

The first one is a Targa. Nice find on the second one though.
I found a difference when the top was not on my guy. I do not think that Toyota made these cars with serious racing in mind. Most people like me drive for grins, giggles, laughs and excitement.
I see your point, always thought the targa tops were fewer and could of been when new. Perhaps there are just more of them surviving the years, the cheaper models being junked. I do not think there are a lot of Mk III Supra now and will be fewer in time.
Oh I understand the concept of automobile rigidity and yes removing a big section of roof panel is going to have an effect. It is just not a big deal to me. Though last time I went through the cloverleaf at 50 plus, I could sure feel the twisting and it spoiled my tight turn While putting the top on will help it is no subsitute to a full metal roof.
Good luck with your search!

Oh a SUV of some sort was tailgating me with the top off, it was able to keep up with me due to twisting, so I guess you have a valid point did walk away from him on the straight
1986 Mk III MA70 7MGE Targa Top 5 Speed Stock Exhaust

Last edited by Ranma; 04-07-2011 at 09:07 PM.
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