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Old 04-15-2011, 08:45 PM   #2
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: redhill surrey uk
Posts: 142
interested! is on a distinguished road

Your pulley is loose --the crankshaft has probably worn -( this has damaged the woodruff key and slot) - towards a cone shape and the pulley has probably worn to a cone in the opposite direction . this can be repaired by gaining access to the crankshaft with the timing belt and crank gear removed and stepping the crankshaft to PARALLEL to its now smallest diameter up to the gear position using a machined tube with a spigot to maintain a parallel repair --fit/mark/file--fit/mark/file etc ,repairing the slot with a two part metal epoxy paste and fitting a sleeve in a machined pulley with a slot for a new key. finally after all slides nicely together in the correct position,drill a hole through the pulley/sleeve/crankshaft and fit a bolt ( head and thread removed )to prevent rotation on the crank --removing strain on the woodruff worked for me 10 years ago and came apart easily 8 years later for a new timing belt. fit a new crank seal and a new timing belt etc for a long life.
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