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Old 04-16-2011, 10:35 AM   #10
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: redhill surrey uk
Posts: 142
interested! is on a distinguished road
Smile red hot exhaust

A glowing exhaust manifold clearly indicates that your ignition setting is RETARDED and needs to be advanced a few old tip for setting the ignition was to set the throttle to a fast idle and turn the distributer either way until the revs peaked --this was the best way of finding a starting point to reset the timing , if it " pings "( sounds like coffee beans dropped on a empty biscuit tin = pre-ignition ) under heavy/hard acceleration then it's too far advanced and needs to be retarded (backed off ) a little .I know from experience -- a guy had a van that had the same red hot exhaust problem. this was fitted with opening and closing points system ( very-pre electronic system ( 1970's ) and the points had closed to 0.005 thou. -should have been 0.015 thou. which meant that the spark was late( RETARDED) and therefore the fuel was still being burnt as it was being pushed into the exhaust system ,making the exhaust manifold red, I opened the points (advancing the spark to correct setting )and cured the problem.

Last edited by interested!; 04-16-2011 at 10:54 AM. Reason: adding confirmation of reason
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