Originally Posted by 87hilux7mge
cre, ive been curious about this too. the two motors i picked up for my project (88 jdm 7mge, 90 cressida 7mge) both tested high compression while cold! the jdm motor ranged 185-193, the cressida ranged 20-195 (3 cyls were completely boned). when i disassembled the motors, they both had the same type of pistons, but when i compared them to my new pistons, they had considerably less dish in them, almost flat tops. i was concerned that id gotten turbo pistons, but compared them with my freind john's pistons, and mine were definitely for N/A. so somewhere, toyota got a wild hair up their bum and put high compression n/a pistons in some motors.
i had no luck finding these pistons anywhere.. but that seems to be in the same compression range as mine, since his was warm.
sorry that was a lil off topic...
I took out the thermostat to make sure it wasn't that. The rad was replaced a little over a year ago, although I haven't ruled that out yet. The fan clutch I replaced this weekend because the checks I did on mine seemed like I should replace it... but still overheating
When I took the rad off I flushed it best I could and it seemed to be flowing just fine. Also felt the upper and lower hoses and noticed the bottom was cooler than the top, but still warm.
after looking more into it, it seems on long trips is only time it occurs, around town I'm golden.