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Old 04-23-2011, 09:32 PM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 2
Randy0223 is on a distinguished road
Default Thanks guys -- this is excellent stuff!

I have a few things to confirm with my mechanic. He's a good guy and I'd expect he did things the right way (i.e., chased the threads, used a quality moly grease, etc).

It's probably apparent I'm not a professional mechanic. Your feedback has given me a few things to think about when working on my motorcycles. Hadn't really considered the effects of thread contaminants and lubricants on torque settings. I've always been pretty picky about "doing it right" and use a high quality calibrated torque wrench with whatever I'm reassembling. But I've probably been fooling myself because I've not factored in these variables. Always good to learn something new.

Thanks again!
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