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Old 05-02-2011, 08:05 AM   #44
12psi boost
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: California
Posts: 277
ochowdero is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by 87hilux7mge View Post
ok, heres a better answer. if you go to a hardware store to get bellhousing bolts, just make sure to get grade 8. no they wont be cheap, but they wont break either. you will strip out any threads long before they could break.

more reassuring?
I didn't meen it to be rude or anything, I did get grade 8 becuz I knew it needed to be strong..
I'm getting my drive shaft cut and welded tomorrow, hopefully soon I can get it on the road, I just gotta get the top bellhousing bolts on and tightened(proally a dumb question, but do they really need to be on there?) haha Gotta get the driveshaft on the car and jump those wires!

I also got the tranny rebuilt, I'm going to put 40w oil in there for quite awhile, atleast 6 months..but how much do I put in of that? 2.5 quarts? Or is it more? And when should I actually put in 70 weight oil in? Like it's originally called for.. Thanks :P
1987 supra, BLUE 7mge.. AUTO TO MANUAL SWAP..

i really want turbo
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