its alive!
ok, its alive and well now...for the most part. it idles amazing!!! purrs like a kitten, but refuses to rev above 3000 rpm, it kicks itself down to about 2700 when it hits it, like the rev limiter is hitting. i read about this happening to another guy but there was no answer, any ideas? possbily dirty MAF sensor?? i hope its not in the ECU, i really can't afford to plug a computer into that thing

87 supra, 7MGTE, head gasket and turbo replaced, runs and boosts! fixing wiring odds and ends, then storage for a year basically...then comes big money cash in er, lookin for 500+ to the ground and a very sleek, sexy mkiii
Last edited by 87supra7mgte; 05-03-2011 at 03:10 AM.