Originally Posted by Sonyps307
I had blue led fog lights and got pulled over for them and I asked the cop what about my 30,000 HIDs and he said they where good. I guess it depends on where u live and what cop u get I'm in maryland
No, you got lucky... or, like many cops he doesn't know or care about the law. You cannot, in any state, run forward facing blue lighting on a running vehicle... It's a BIG ticket and it's up to them what level of blue constitutes blue.

Overall, it's a shit idea anyway as the human eye has a harder and harder time seeing fine detail the further you get away from the yellow-green spectrum... it's just about brightness.
Run DOT legal housings of better. The less you blind other drivers the less likely you are to get hit (yes, blinded people naturally turn INTO bright objects) and you're less likely to get noticed by police. Cibie E-Code housings are phenomenal and put the light where you need it much better than cheap ebay housings.
While you're on stock lighting I suggest you rewire the headlights to allow more current. Look up "Daniel Stearn Lighting" for more info.... might be spelled "Stern".