7mgte problems
Hey Guys, I'm new here and was hoping you could help me out.
I work primarily with diesel engines, I know enough about gas engines to get around them. I'm working on an 89 7mgte installed in a 4runner. Engine is completley stock except for a walboro 255 fuel pump SAFCII and the boost turned up to 10psi. AEM wideband A/F, Autometer pyro
Problem: No matter what I do I can not get the engine to not run lean. Except for unplugging the 02 sensor then I get extream rich (10.1 on gauge) and the engine will barely idle
Taking voltage readings off the stock o2 I get fluctuations between .1 - .5 volts (I understand stoich should be .45) at this time my A/F gauge reads between 16.1-off the chart lean.
I changed the output setting on my gauge to put out 0-1volt and wired it into the ECU in place of the stock o2 sensor and it still reads lean, just much more controlled (no bouncing around like your stock o2 sensor.
Pyrometer readings are about 600F at idle and under full load boosting at 10psi it gets up to 1300F and around 1000F cruising. (obviously these are short readings for testing since i'm unsure about the lean readings.)
any help would be awsome. Thanks