almost had this problem when replacing the auto in my sisters 01 nissan xterra. had a lil more room than a 1/4 inch, about 3/4 prolly.
at first i was puzzled as to why the tranny wouldnt go on the entire way. after 3 tries (tranny and transfer case, what a PITA..) and it wouldnt mate up, i decided to check everything again. pulled it out, inspected the splineds and noticed where the gap would be.
when i put it back in, all i did was get it lined up, and slowing spin the converter as i slide the tranny on. went on w/o a hitch, worked great, trans guy i took it too said i did a good job. made me happy for my first auto tranny install.
good heads up here!
87 toyota 4x4 single cab short box pickup, 7MGZE.