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Old 05-27-2011, 07:53 PM   #6
12psi boost
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Originally Posted by 916MKIIIx2 View Post
We use the parking lots because cops can't give you ticket on private property without getting permission from the owner of the lot first, and its safer to practice with cones then with curbs and dips, if anything using the parking lot is less juvenile than using the streets.
Just be careful of the lot you pick. If we catch you in one of our Corps lots you will be facing time. I am not sure of your argument but most people with lots do not want you in them. Like my pal in his Firechicken, he took out a light pole and destroyed his car doing do. He is big into drifting, he lost control of his car. So what gives you the right to go into private property and endanger yourself and others?
Oh police can give you a ticket and need no permission. Reckless driving, endangering, improper use of a vehicle and that is off the top of my head. Look if you want to drift fine but do so in a safe place. If you want to destroy your car do so at a sanctioned track.
Oh my friend almost lost his life as well. Guess who had to bail the jerk out from jail?
1986 Mk III MA70 7MGE Targa Top 5 Speed Stock Exhaust

Last edited by Ranma; 05-27-2011 at 07:56 PM.
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