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Old 06-03-2011, 06:21 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Default rebuilt 7mgte problems

Ok i just dropped my engine back into my 89 supra 5-speed turbo.

, its a 7mgte with a t61 turbo, 550cc RC injectors, 3 inch turbo back exhaust, Apexi super air flow converter, and i think the MAF sensor is the lexus one

. I started it up and it has a very rough idle and upon acceleration it spits and sputters and just dous not go correctly. I drove it about a quarter mile down the road because i could not go far due to having no fan belt therefore no water pump, and it went but ran terrible.

On the way back it was running the same but i stopped at a stop sighn and it started making a God awful noise like metal on metal grinding that definatly gets louder when i hit the gas. i think i forgot to tighten down my fly wheel when i put it back on because i was rushing a bit at that point(my fault)

but the same time that happened it also got to where it would still rough idle bit when givin gas it tried to die. The only way to get it to rev is to flutter the pedal and it will try to rev up a bit more.

I am throwing a code for MAF sensor, TPS, and o2 sensor. as mentioned above it has an Apexi SAFC that was installed on it and before it blew up the car ran fine so during the rebuild i had to remove the engine harness so i cut the T-taps for the SAFC then just re tapped them when i reinstalled engine.

Obviously the tune that was on it was prob lost could this be the reason its running bad? could it not be properly adjusting the MAF to adapt to all the other upgrades due to no tune after rebuild? im at a loss.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. i also disconected the TPS while it was running and it made no change in how the car ran so i replaced it with another used one i had at the house and still nothing changed
My work in progress!!!
1989 toyota supra turbo targa top 7mgte, Five speed left hand drive.
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