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Old 06-03-2011, 07:23 PM   #7
12psi boost
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Originally Posted by oowee623 View Post
japanese engines are usually very good i heard somewhere that the japanese are encouraged to get rid of their old cars at certain mileages and buy a new car to boost up the economy, and they barely even drive their cars they ride bikes and trains most of the time, the japanese man i bought my 1jz from said supras are considered japanese muscle cars and the owners usually ride bikes and trains by day and cruise in their supras at night
It has to due with the Japanese compulsory insurance and inspection cycles. A new car goes for 3 years and then it is every 2 years. The inspectors are real picky and it gets harder to get the car to pass as it gets older. There comes a time when it is cheaper to get rid of it. Especially the small cars.
As for "millage" distances are less in Japan and the toll roads there are expensive. You can take the "bullet" train for the costs of tolls from Tokyo to Osaka. Then there is the price of petro. After that is the lack of parking at work.
Oh unlike America the cars themselves are insured for a basic amount. It goes with the car and can not be refunded while the car is tagged. So when you register the car the insurance is paid up for the time frame upfront.
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