Heh, I've got a bucket of misc VSV's somewhere (probably in storage as I haven't seen it in some time... that or someone snagged it). Any 12v, two position VSV will do though. Just hit up a junk yard and grab a few VSV's from Toyotas, Hondas, Mercedes (Mercedes has a couple which only cost about $30 new... sorry, don't have the part numbers handy); You'll be looking for one with three nipples (one is for the vacuum constant source, one is closed when there's no power but opens when there is power and the other it normally open and closes with power). Typically they'll have a vacuum line running to two nipples and a breather on the third. I don't have time to go hunting, but if I come across one which will work I'll let you know... Still probably going to be quicker for you to just hit a salvage yard and grab a few for $5.
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