revs out, not boosting
thanks for the help so far guys, i got the engine to rev out all the way finally. my wiring harness is all kinds of messed up and a wire had been cut on the MAF sensor and wasn't touching. got that all fixed and re-pinned. now the car isn't boosting. ive gone through and checked all my hoses, no holes in them or anything. checked the WGA, it begins to open at around 6.5 psi and holds vacuum and closes properly. could it possibly be the boost sensor? if its the one i think it is, its supposed to be bolted to the back bottom of the intake plenums, correct? could it not being bolted down cause it to not ground out and therefore not get a signal? or could it be vacuum lines are wrong? boost gauge isn't working either, not showing vacuum or boost, holding steady at 0.
I also need a BVSV i believe, its supposed to be attached to the thermostat housing correct? my manual isn't giving me the greatest pictures of some of this stuff sadly. its almost there, sadly after its done its going in storage while im deployed then when i get back its getting a whole lot of new parts for it, lol. im stuck between keeping it white cuz of the engine compartment, door seals, trunk lining or going like midnight blue or a metallic black, any suggestions? any and all help is always appreciated!!!! anyone around tacoma that has a 7mgte that would let me take a look at it and compare some of it to mine would be amazing!

87 supra, 7MGTE, head gasket and turbo replaced, runs and boosts! fixing wiring odds and ends, then storage for a year basically...then comes big money cash in er, lookin for 500+ to the ground and a very sleek, sexy mkiii