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Old 07-03-2011, 11:49 AM   #10
3" Exhaust
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97SupraTT is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by marezmichael View Post
I would disconnect it but its raining outside and doesn't look like its going to stop anytime soon. perfect!

I just started it and like it run for about 10 mins. same thing happened. light above the tach stayed on the entire time, as soon as i put it drive to go around the corner, the light next to the temp came on. really dont know what to do know, really confused and kinda pissed off now.

im stationed in Vilseck and I bought the car from another soldier here on post.
Yeah, I know about the rain there. I was at Ramstein from 2006-2010 but I made very frequent trips down to the Graf/Vilseck area. We used the dropzone on graf for airdrops all the time.

Let me know what happens when you are able to disconnect the battary.
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