Thread: 7MGT to 1JZ?
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Old 07-18-2011, 04:03 AM   #6
Join Date: Jul 2011
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MK3Newb is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by iluvmy88supra View Post
dude why???????? do you realize the cost you're getting into? you'll spend minimum $10000 for the engine, transmission, mods, and labor. maybe you have the money to spend i sure don't! in any case, it's still what i consider a waste of money and time. besides, you will find more mods for the 7M. the 7M engine is an awesome power plant. the only problem is the head gasket. since the report of problematic head gaskets, the engine has been stereotyped as not very good. do your research. you will not find any legitimate site stating problems with the engine other than the gasket. after installing a MHG the stock internals can handle at least 500hp. i ought to know, my only internals are AEM gears, HKS MHG, and ARP studs. she runs great, and never ever has an over heating problem. i blow away tuner mods "left & right", and thats almost 20 years old. others that are more heavily modified might be a challenge but if i modify my bottom end, i guarantee there won't be too many i can't beat. i entered my car in nopi nationals 2 weeks ago, and while i didn't place, my ride received a lot of attention. why? because they're becoming rare especially in good condition. i drove home 300 miles at 90-100mph. again no problems. i'm sick and tired of mk4 owners telling me to do a swap. i guarantee my car will hold it's own against mk4s once my bottom end is complete. heck my car runs great now with only 550cc injectors. it's funny, one always hears how mk4s need 1000 or more injectors to make 800hp, and i can do 500hp with 550s. check-out my mods on same username. also, checkout,, and these are just 3 out several sites with mods for mk3s. i hope i've saved you some cash unless again you're determined, and money is no object. my build cost me $30,000. the car cost me $5000, and labor about $8000 because of my physical challenge, i'm unable to do the work.
Reading the first part of this and then the last it reads like a huge contradiction.
You say
Originally Posted by iluvmy88supra View Post
dude why???????? do you realize the cost you're getting into? you'll spend minimum $10000 for the engine, transmission, mods, and labor. maybe you have the money to spend i sure don't!
Then later say
Originally Posted by iluvmy88supra View Post
my build cost me $30,000. the car cost me $5000, and labor about $8000 because of my physical challenge, i'm unable to do the work.
Just kind of a contradiction IMO dont flame him if he wants to swap to a 1jz wich you fail to mention that a 1jz transmission / driveshaft/ and rear end will support way more power than the r154 and 7mgte . Not saying the 7mgte is a bad motor by any means just that it will need more money dumped into it to = the same horsepower of a slightly modified 1jz . ALSO A 1JZ AND POWERTRAIN CAN BE HAD FOR ABOUT 2500 OFF E-bay and all the additional stuff can be had for about 2500 to have one installed then install price would prob be around 6-7k so your money figures are correct but a 500hp 7mgte for 30g or a 500hp 1jz for 12k do the math

Last edited by MK3Newb; 07-18-2011 at 04:06 AM.
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