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Old 08-18-2011, 10:46 PM   #1
Old Man Supra
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 13
Old Man Supra is on a distinguished road
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Hi, Well from my run in with the ECU it knows everything! Its the brain of the car and if its not telling the rest of "THE BODY" what to do and how to do it your SOL. I had a friend hook up my battery wrong and it fried the ECU[but amazingly nothing else] but I did not know that right away and I went through alot of the same things you checked out. Once I replaced the ECU with a new used one from another same model year Supra it roared back to life and I have not had any other issues since, the car now runs it did before. When I first got the car [1986 Supra non turbo] I had many issues with the alarm system.................I'd drive the car park it for awhile then it would refuse to start as the alarm was cutting out the juice to the was maddening, some times it would start right away after locking and unlocking the doors to reset the alarm sometimes not. I fixed that by clipping the wire under the hood to fool the alarm system now it starts every time. The forum is a great place to find out what it is and how to fix it,I have learned a lot from the forum members here. I'm also lucky to have a friend that is a former Toyota mechanic. : ) I wish you the best of luck getting it sorted out.When the Supra is running the way it should its a incredible car. Best, Gary
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