If the pistons are GE you can count on things going south sooner than later (unless he put in a THICK HG)... N/A pistons like to "self ventilate" under boost... additional heat + much higher compression (especially if a stock thickness HG is used even after the block and head were shaved) + medium quality, basic alloy + no cooling from oil squirters = detonation = holes in pistons.... plenty of people have "done it right" before this guy, trust me.
IF the oil cooling is in place and either a thick HG 2mm+ or GTE pistons were installed I'd probably give it a thumbs up for a reasonable amount of upgrading and such; Still no oil squirters to cool the pistons is a negative but not as big.
Any idea what oil pump is in there?
You'd also do well to swap out the GE intake cam for a GTE cam; The GTE breathes better up top.
It'll last a little while (more if you get a proper oil cooler setup in there and no one gets the silly idea that "it'll be ok to turn up the boost just for the weekend". And thereafter you'll have a decent parts car... So I guess it's win - win; But don't get your hopes up that it's going to last for a long period of time... most N/A-Ts fail miserably and there's a reason why most people who've done them will say that they will never do another if a factory turbo option is available.
That said I'll get down off this soap box now. Good luck with the car... I'm sure he'll enjoy it.
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