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Old 09-04-2011, 12:29 PM   #5
boosted to 26psi
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: madison wisconsin
Posts: 24
boosted to 26psi is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by cre View Post
I'm sure you're going to have significant issues due to the ECU. Both systems (GTE and GE) are controlled by the ECU. In the GE the ECU gets cam position from the 'dizzy' (the same components that are in the GTE's CPS are in the base of the dizzy for this purpose) and then sends a signal to the igniter when it deems fit (this occurs 6 times per crank revolution). With the GTE it sends 3 signals two times per revolution. You'll need to combine the signals into one (isolating the signals prior to the igniter) and convert to a GE igniter and GE coil. It may be as simple as soldering in a few diodes, running the three signal lines into the GE igniter's one... but I'm willing to bet it's going to be a lot more trouble than that.

Honestly... I wouldn't ever even bother. The only reason a GTE should see a GE's distributor is as a temporary CPS.

I'm confused by your lasts sentence... It sounds like you know and then you don't... The 7M-GTE is a "points-less" system (multi channel igniter, coil packs and basic CPS); It is also a "wasted-spark" setup. The GE uses a "points" aka a basic distributor system.
See that's what im kinda getting at. Why would the n/a run a regular ignition system, but the the boosted engine run a dis system. They both basically so the same shit, except the dis run more shit.
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