MOST after market LED solutions are actually a significant amount dimmer than the original incandescant bulbs. They're only reasonably bright if you're looking at them from within a very narrow viewing angle. Omni directionals help with this but still have really bad hot spots (as you'll see in Sonyps307's video). The only way I'd run LEDs is if I were to take an existing DOT registered LED fixture and move the internals into the desired housing.... that or build my own array out of 5-watt LEDs but the heat sink requirements would probably confine me to the former solution.
Sonyps307, do you fellow motorists a favor and buy some real headlight enclosures which actually place the light where it should be... you'll get more light on the road where it should be and you'll be less likely to get hit in a head on accident (people tend to steer INTO bright objects... we're like moths that way).
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