Originally Posted by cre
Not sure what you're looking for here... but there's a Toyota part number for most major parts of a greater unit. There's a Toyota part number for the rearview mirror, but if you dismantle it you'll usually find another Toyota part number on the main body, one on the back side of the glass and one for the mount... they're internal to Toyota and not something your dealer is even going to be able to look up in most cases.
As for 7M-GT vs 7M turbo... same thing... the "E" is rather obvious as that signifies EFI which if it weren't you certainly wouldn't be looking at an ECU... lol! The rest are internal part numbers, lot numbers and revision numbers.
sooo how would i tell if it is for the 7mgte. cuz the outside sticker says 7mgt....but then theres writing on it saying 89 supra turbo. is there any way beside the sticker to tell which one is which