Unless it's a flip, I pay what I think a given car is worth to me. If someone's asking high but I put it through the wringer and feel that I won't lose sleep over it that night or the next then I'll pay more. If I feel hesitant then I offer less or walk. I probably would pay $7K+ for either a WELL BUILT MKIII or an IMMACULATE, STOCK MKIII.... but not for 99% of them that I see.
907mge's dead on though, the age of it will *usually* hurt you a bit if you intend to move it from "garage queen" status to "daily driver" status; Fluids leaking out of nowhere, dried up bushings to start squeaking, rattles here and there show up; Plastic and rubber shrink and dry up so fasteners are miraculously loose, seals and hoses leaking, shocks bouncing and so on. Sadly the moisturizers and conditioners in the various fluids don't often circulate enough in low mileage vehicles to really help like they should. Now, you may find it was serviced thoughtfully and stored under ideal conditions and such upsets will be minimal... It does happen so don't panic.
At the end of the day what matters is if YOU think it was worth it. You didn't buy it to sell off right away and make a profit, right? Then who cares? If it's that low of mileage and well cared for it's a great find already.
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