As long as there's no significant pitting or indentions then just follow the TSRM and inspect for warping and flatness. Make sure it's very clean too. I'd thoroughly clean the carbon build up off of the piston crowns while you're in there too... Mopar Combustion Chamber Conditioner (MCCC) works well as a soak to loosen it up; Just spray and let it sit a couple hours, while out and repeat.
Absolutely do not forget to chase the threads in the block! And do not forget the RTV at the block/rear timing plate union!!! These are biggies!
If something breaks or you need to contact a member of the administration please post HERE. Unless it's a private or administration matter please post it on the forum. It benefits no one else if car related questions aren't posted for future users and takes away from the time I'm able to spend helping on the rest of the forum.
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