No you can't just boost all you want. The ECU cuts fuel once measured airflow passes a certain value. The reason the Lex AFM mod works is because the bypass channel (the section which lets a certain amount of air pass unmetered) is larger and so the ECU thinks less air is coming in than really is. You'll still be capped at the same volume of air. You'll still make better use of that air though with the cooler intake charge and will see some benefit there (you'd also benefit from an intercooler upgrade). Simply put though you'll be making the same power at 12psi with your setup as someone with a stock CT-26 running 16psi. Add a fuel controller and an adjustable FPR to the equation and you'll be able to squeeze even more out of it... you could forget the Lex AFM in that case as the fuel controller serves the same purpose but it will require tuning. Either way you should be north of 350 but with the Lex probably below 400.
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