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Old 09-20-2011, 02:58 PM   #8
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: So cal
Posts: 39
jdmman2011 is on a distinguished road

It all depends what u are willing to do with the car if ur making fast as a drag, freeway killer or drift monster. The way i did it was i bulit the motor first with out the turbo. Just engine and then i bulit the fuel system, the reason i started with the fuel system is that everyone only bulids it for the power that there making. I built the fuel system as i was runnig a 1000hp car.

The biggest thing you have to worry about is the fuel, ecu can be reflashed and reprogramed it depends on ur tunner and shop ive seen these cars run around 500hp with a little reprograming. So the truth is how much money u have to spend and the dyno, or tunner shop u have.

A big bulid takes a while theres a lot to do and a lot of R&D belive me it wont come over night it took me 3years to get it like this and now its a part down.
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