The trim by the window, the antenna and the wheel you will have to find on craigslist or ebay if you cannot find someone selling one locally or in the for sale section here on the forum. I have removed universal power antennas from supras that I have parted out, so I know they do fit.
The TEMS struts don't have many replacement options, I think Tokico is the only one available that retain the TEMS functions. I personally would ditch the TEMS in favor of a better strut, preferably a set of Koni adjustable.
Both speedo cables are available from the dealer still. Lower one is cheap, upper one is ridiculous.
The JZA70 front lip spoiler is available from Horsepowerfreaks.
The drive shaft center support bearing for a 92 Ford Ranger 3.0L 2WD will fit and is available at autozone pretty cheap.