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Old 10-06-2011, 07:43 PM   #18
walbro fp
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Originally Posted by Ranma View Post
Problem with a single piece drive shaft is the vibration. Like airplanes vibration is a destructive force. There are cases of airliners falling apart in flight from harmonic vibrations. My guy started at 55 and by 75 was loosing the fillings on my teeth. Now Carol what sort of racing do you do? The vibration must be hell over 100. At a certain point the vibration will overcome any advantages. Now if you want one piece the Government Motors Camaros and Fire Chickens have them.
he races 24 hour lemons. kinda like circle track but not that fast. you get 500 bux (correct me if im wrong) to buy a vehicle (usually a beater) that will compete in a race for 24 hours straight. the idea is too complete the most laps in 24 hours. for some, its just to finish the race.

i doubt there are many speeds getting up over 100, but as long as the driveshaft is balanced, there will be no problem with vibration. yes harmonics do destroy things, but not if proper balance i achieved. a driveshaft is just spinning. an engine is more complicated than that because its not just something rotating, it has parts that are linear and there are explosions going off milliseconds from eachother. these all create harmonic vibrations, and that is why there are damper pulleys as well as manufacturers trying to balance engines to a certain degree (aftermarket balancing is almost always better, more precise, etc)

for him, a 2 piece driveshaft would be a more logical choice, as i puts more power to the ground and eases his maintenance on the car. Lemons is a budget type racing event.
87 toyota 4x4 single cab short box pickup, 7MGZE.
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