Every condition which would cause "Limp Mode" should record a code in the ECU or the ECT. Code 52 is the only one that's commonly seen on these cars. The TPS and ISCV will NOT cause the car to go into limp mode, just idle issues and poor throttle transition response. Code 51 only mean that the A/C is on or there's a problem in that circuit OR The throttle is open or there's a problem with the idle switch (IDL) in the TPS.... if you're on the throttle or have the A/C on the code will show up but will clear a few seconds after you get off the throttle or turn off the A/C. Note that you cannot set ignition timing with code 51 (or any other code) present and you MUST make sure to install the diagnostic jumper when doing so. Is the ECT light on or flashing? Any code 52?
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