My solution to frozen control arms
I finally ended up using a sawzall to make one cut on each bolt and a 4 1/2" disc grinder to cut the head off the bolt each bolt. So each bolt had to have two cuts to get it free from the car subframe. Remember, you must avoid a torch, if you wish to utilize the original bushings (which are pressed into the control arms). Once I had the bolts completely cut off, I could then remove them from the subframe. I then was able to press out the remains of the cut-off bolts with a 20 ton press. With a 20 ton press the cut-off bolts would come out (however, not easy). A huge amount of force had to exerted on the bushings to press out the old bolts. After the old bolts were pressed out, it was easy to reassemble with replacement cam bolts. Remember to use that silver gunk (anti-seize compound) to avoid the same problem in the future. This whole cutting process would be difficult if you do not have a lift to work on.