With all the trouble you're having I'd make sure the crank's straight anyway... It's not the stiffest of metal, and they're quite long. I have seen one go south pretty quick myself (never checked one that was out for less than a week though, but still not a bad idea).
Yes, they look the same but the GTE flows a good amount more to account for all the additional sources of pressure drop: turbo, cooler and oil squirters. I'd guess 25% more or so.
If you can touch the oil it's running too cool. The stock cooler is PRESSURE based, not temp. If the valve is stuck open or the spring is weak it'll stay open, over cool the oil and tank your oil pressure. I HIGHLY recommend you just ditch it and get a thermostat in there.
How are you measuring the oil pressure? Not with the stock gauge I hope. Low pressure is fine below 3K (according to Toyota) but 4psi is lower than any GTE I've worked on... or GE for that matter. Toyota says 4.3psi or more is fine but in a healthy engine I don't think I've ever seen it lower than around 6 or 7 warm.
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