Faraday's law and Lenz's law... any generator requires much more power the greater the load placed upon it. There's no escaping it and your friend hasn't discovered a new kind of physics. All car electronics are powered by the alternator unless the alternator is too small (otherwise you'd have a dead battery all the time).... even if that weren't the case, when do you expect the battery to get charged? You can pull the battery on a running car and drive all day (with a CEL on modern cars but it'll still run); You can't pull the alternator and get more than an hour with an awesome battery.
The upside to electric is that the turn completely off when you're cool but then again at highway speeds air blows through with enough force that there really isn't any load on a mechanical fan. Lightweight flex fans are my preference. At high RPM not only does the fan slow but the blades flatten.
EDIT: The thing both sides forget to consider in this whole debate is that an inefficient system can always be improved. An electric fan setup may indeed provide more power in lieu of an inefficient mechanical one and, vice versa, a more efficient mechanical fan may prove much better than an inefficient electric setup. Believe it or not fan technology has changed drastically in just the past 5 years, both mechanical and electric, anything's bound to be an improvement over the 20+ year old setup if implemented well.
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Last edited by cre; 11-17-2011 at 12:59 AM.