Winter project: Paint sensors/brackets chrome.
So this winter i want to paint the sensors and sensor brackets chrome. Basically I want to chrome everything. ABS motor, cruse control etc. My friends grandpa might be letting me borrow his parts cleaner since he doesnt use it hardly. I plan on first sanding the parts down with a low git and probably 2 more times with a high grit respectively. Now the only problem i can see with this is the electronic pieces. I'm fairly sure i wont be able to use them in the parts cleaner considering they would get wet with mineral spirits. If anyone wants to comment with some tips or anything else that would be great.
1988 7M-GTE Manual Turbo, Godspeed IC, Stock HG Torque to 90FP W/ Arp bolts, Silicon water hose kit, silicon vacuum hoses, Godspeed radiator, 2 12" electric fans.