Well someone commented that the crank pulley wasn't a dampener pulley. I can's understand why someone would offer one that wasn't but you need that part on the crank.
The best you can do is get the air in and out as fast as you can. Compression is the best way to get power. The turbos just stuff more air in and acts the same way as more compression. If you could bump the compression up to 11 to one, I think you can still run on pump gas. Definately get the head ported. The most restrictive part to this whole thing is the intake though. If you could get an intake that could get more air in......well good luck on that. Like I said before, you could do away with the efi system and go for a triple Webber set up that would really wake that engine up.
Anyone know what cfm the N/A intake has at the butterfly? There are things you can do, but it would take an engineer to make all the mechanical and electrical things work well together. Just a chip is not worth the money for the small hp gain.
Keep us up to date on how you are doing.