Hi there
I have followed all the guides that there are for the setup of the timing etc
I will just explain in detail what has been done so far with the alignments etc..
a) The crank shaft is set at ZERO.
b) No 1 cyclinder is at TDC. I have checked this by inserting a stick making sure that the piston is at its highest point.
c) The cam shafts have been installed with the PIN in the middle of the holes.
d) The cam shafts have been aligned with the notches on the backplate.
e) The CPS was inserted into the head where the notch was aligned to the hole on the CPS.
When i tried starting the car the engine sounded rough and back fired etc etc .
When i checked the timing using a strobe light the timing was miles out.... and i could not correct it by turning the CPS.
So i repeated all the steps upto step e).
At this point the CPS was reinserted but it had been turned about (approx) 180 degrees.
The car started first time and sounded good too.
I let it warm up and then after ten mins i checked the timing with the strobe gun and managed to set it to 12 degrees with no problems.
Not really sure what the issue could be and not even sure i the CPS has been rebuilt wrong etc.
I have checked the CPS and TPS to see what readings i get from them and they all seem fine and within recommended tollerences.
So, what else can i try ...?