My mother owned a 1989 toyota supra turbo. It had a blown head gasket in 2000 and she ordered a new engine from japan to replace it. However, she was killed in a car accident (not in the supra) before the new engine was installed. My grandmother had the new engine put in, but no one in my family could bring themselves to drive the car, and just had it shipped from Indiana to North Carolina. To this day the car has not been driven since the engine was replaced. I finally convinced my grandmother to let me restore the car last week. The engine is in great shape obviously, I plan on doing a simple rebuild on it for now; however, I was heartbroken to find that the sub-frame of the car has rusted beyond what I can repair after sitting for nine years. This car was a huge part of my mother's life and I know that she would be as devistated as I am to see it sit and rot as it has. I am determined not to let this engine suffer the same fate as the body of this supra and am desperately looking for a shell from an 89 (will settle for anything up to a 92). If you or anyone you know is looking to sell, please contact me at 828-712-0310 or Ask for Mandy.