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Old 06-03-2005, 06:41 AM   #21
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Fusion audio has a really good range of high quality speakers, woofers and amps
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Old 06-17-2005, 07:06 PM   #22
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I grabbed a Sony package from Best Buy for something like $300 and they work great for the price a little distorion when ya crank them but $300 where can you go wrong...

but for the best i'm laying my money on JBL sums, Rockford Amp, and Bose spearkers.
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Old 06-17-2005, 07:57 PM   #23
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Alpine as well for me. I have a 7894 head unit and wouldn't trade it for anything except for another Alpine.
Speakers, I prefer Diamond Audio. I have 2 sets of the M6 series in my 84, and love them.
I also have an Audiobahn amp running a 12" JL Audio sub.
84 P-Type, 6MGE, KYB struts, T3 camber plates, MSD ignition, Aasco 11lb flywheel, NGK wires,
Turbo coming soon...
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Old 06-24-2005, 08:03 PM   #24
3" Exhaust
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Ill have to say yes to Alpine but only for head units.. If it comes to subs id have to go with LANZAR.. I had 4 10"LANZAR heritage series 800watt subs running off a Rockford 500a.2 bridged mono..It was all in a 86 cuttlas with a set of 1000watt 6x9's and 500watt 3" peizo tweeters in the dash..They hit so hard that the speedo would jump up at stop lights and could blurr my vision on the highway with the windows down.. :blink: The whole setup only cost me $800 with every thing including the wireing..Nothing like having truckers looking over at you on the highway or over blasting someone who thinks theres is loud..Setting off car alarms for 50 yards,Beautifull.. B)
83 p-type,5spd,4;10 gears,New 86 cressida 5MGE 195hp,HKS metal head gasket,Cressida injectors,d-port intake runners,No EGR,No cat,Tweaked MAF,Custom cold air intake,Custom rear strut bar,Perfection clutch,Custom 3inch exhaust,4inch bazooka muffler,,Only 2700lbs,, COME AND GET IT!IF YOU DARE!! Please no Honduuuuhhhs!!!

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Old 06-25-2005, 11:19 PM   #25
Jeriko Suratos
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i go with rockford fosgate dude, with there $1,000 (one thousand-dollar) subs and there amp are strong as hellllllllllll.
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Old 09-02-2005, 11:23 PM   #26
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Default JL baby~!!!

JL audio is honestly the best thats why they win for best sound for 5 years running now.

Honesty I want a car more(1989 turbo supra) so i got 2x12" W3s with a mega herts seald box "kaboom kaboom", with a rockford 10001db(good up to 1450 wats RMS, comes with berth certificate) and a stinger 1 ferad power cap for sale $1200.00 OBO(make me an offer My name is Matt e mail me or catch me on msn at matvie@hotmail.com
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Old 09-04-2005, 06:46 AM   #27
Luin Haden
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There are sooooo many great quality manufactors out there, it all depends on what kind of features your looking for and a price range your looking for.

For example: Lets say you want a MP3 player, but dont want to spend $100 or more. Well it looks like if you cant find one used you are forced to go to Pyle or simular brand. But if you want a MP3 player and can spend up to $200 on a player there are numberous brands out there. Panasonic and Alpine pops in my head first. The display may not be fancy, but you get the basic MP3 player that will play cds with a average of 120 songs!!

Also something to look at is warranty. If a company has a long warranty they believe in their product and knows it will last. You may find a awesome deal on factory refurb products which mean they have been sent to the factory for repair, but instead of fixing them on the spot the company just sends out a new unit for exchange and finally gets to fixing the original unit. Factory refurbs are great if you dont expect having the equipment for longer than a year or so.

I could write a book on the subject of brands, but you need to get out there and get reviews from people that run it on the streets. Find "Joe Blow" that has had the same equiment for years and get with the shop/place he bought it and ask questions and hopefully you will leave with a supra full of speakers, amps, and a kick ass cd player with the option fo satellite radio.

I personally have ran the same companies for years and will do so for many years. I run clarion/panasonic for headunits, run Zapco for my amps and eq's, and run Cerwin Vega/Treo for my speakers (highs, mids, and subs) and have not had any problems with any of it.
-Luin Haden
Sparta, MO
Owner of a 1990 Targa Top 5 speed Turbo Supra
It isnt pretty now, but just wait.
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Old 09-19-2005, 06:33 PM   #28
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Okay, Head units I'd have to say Pioneer Premier, Alpine, and Sony make the best. But for speakers I say Rockford Fosgate and Boston Acoustics have to be the best out there. For subs I'd say JL Audio is the best.
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Old 09-30-2005, 02:48 AM   #29
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Default wow rookies

hmm so heres the real deal

alpine-best by far-dont overheat-easy user interface-ipod connections-everything
pioneer-not bad at all..overheat sometimes if you dont reconnect power straight to battery..interface is by far the easiest and has tons of options for sound
kenwood-same as pioneer
sony-dont even waste your money..overheat...dont last long...bad product
eclipse-very nice headunits...good for trucks and jeeps because of the major skip protection and insides are very well insulated...kind of hard to use until you get the hang of it

JL AUDIO-by far the best product ever...just plain badass....amazing sound quality..awesome looks..good warranty...kinda pricy but def worth it
Kenwood-not bad...good for mid bass and mostly good for rock music
pioneer-only ones i have used are the IMPP's they were pretty damn loud but no sound quality at all
sony's-not bad at all about same as pioneer..really loud bass but no sound quality at all
MTX-very good company..nice warranty...GREAT mid bass and good for pop/ rock and some bass
lanzar-used once...very loud subs...NO SOUND QUALITY AT ALL
RF-good for really LOUD NO QUALITY BASS

JL AUDIO-All the way...BADASS amps....one of the only amps that dosnt lie on their wattage on the box...amazing sound quality...good warranty...easy hookup..def like the stick in and screw connections unlike the sonys and stuff where you have to connect a connector and then screw it down
sony-not bad...OVERHEATS BAD...half decent sound quality for the money..1000w=300W MAYBE on sony amps
Pioneer and kenwood-great 4 channel amps...mono amps are a bit pricy for sound quality and connection quality
Lanzar/volfenhag/audiobahn-all of the knockoff's-they arent bad good for MAJOR BASS but no sound quality..blow fuses easily and channels blow easily
mtx-good amps,, good sound quality...good price..all out good amps
RF-new amps are a bit pricy for the quality they put out...good wattages..old rockford fosgate amps are the shit!! put out even more power than on the amp sometimes

mid and high speakers
jl audio-too much money for quality..blow easily at high frequencies and without amp
MB quart-very nice products..great sound quality at mid volumes..high volumes even w/ amp start popping
Focal-AMAZING--VERYYY pricy but good warranty and good products
sony/pioneer/kenwood/lanzar/ other brands of the sort...waste of the 50 dollars a set if you want some speakers to last and sound really good
RF-same as above

spx and rockford fosgate are the best in keeping power charged

many more brands didnt list but those are main manufacterurs

btw i install and get good prices on car audio..live in houston area
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Old 10-03-2005, 03:41 PM   #30
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its all about eclipse head units. starting out with 5 volts on their beginner decks, up to 8v and even 16 with the adapter.

for amps, youve got either eclipse, mtx, or jl. depends on what you want. eclipses .008% thd rating is rediculous. with their biggest4 channel being almost 200w rms is nutsos. jl is expensive, buts rips power supplies on the slash series amps keep everything sounding and looking great.
if youve got the cash and love the way that music actually sounds, no other choice than Focal. you hear things that youve never heard on the same cds that youve got. amazing bass response. smooth highs that are never too bright and power handling that will hold up with most anything youve got.
if youre a broke ass or dont have any friends ni the biz, go with infinity. sound good, but the tweeters are kinda bright.
clifford alarms. or anything from directed for that matter. just not amps or speakers.
If you want the most badass stuff available, macintosh amps, soundstream or zapco. resonant engineering and image dynamics also make great subs. i forget who makes them but a series called rainbow or something like that are beautiful too. and either eclipse or nakamichi for headunits. and dont buy cheap stuff. you get cheap sound.
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