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Old 08-21-2006, 05:49 PM   #1
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Cool Drift Stories

Hey all, I know there is another topic that has turned into a story section somewhat...but I wanted to make a whole new thread, because I always have a good drifting story.

Drifting: Drifting refers to the difference in slip angle between the front and rear tires of a car. When the rear wheels are slipping at a greater angle than the front wheels, the car is drifting, or oversteering. The rear end of the car appears to chase the front end around a turn, while the front tires control the actual direction of the car. (Taken from an online dictionary)

Story #1:

I was driving around my little city (15,000 people), and was coming up on a turn. There was a car in the right lane, me in the left, and I was doing about 10KM's faster than she was. I gave it a little extra gas, and began my drift. I did the entire turn, about 140 ft, BESIDE the woman.....she WAS talking on her cell when I started, she was wide mouthed, and hung up her cell by the time I was done!

Story #2

We have all seen those freakin "Student Driver Training" vehicles, and they do annoy me, but I still think about what I was like when I was starting out driving. Anyways, it was raining, and that is when I drift, because if it isn't then I am just asking to hit something...I get more control in rain, then drifting on dry pavment. So a student driver was just turning from a stop sign infront of me, and I went next, I punched it, put it into a drift...well a controlled sideways slide really (Straight road), and went past the student vehicle....looking at the driver! With my bro as my witness, that student driver had a grin from one ear to the next...and I am sure the teacher took the opertunity to tell him that is something you NEVER do on the roadway, because you could get a ticket....

Those are two of my most recent ones...more will follow!

P.S. I have a temp registration, pay $175 CND a month, and you don't need a safety paper. When you get one, they don't give you plates, it a piece of paper that you put in the bottom right hand side of your windshield....so no one can get my plate numbers either...I will stop doing that when I get plates...lol. There is a downside to having a temp registration though....I get pulled over about 2 times a week for not having plates....never get a ticket though, because it's registered.
My Ride: http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2351563

Our Supra’s, which art in the driveway,
Hollowed be thy power, thy mods are great, thy speed endless,
On the road or at the track. Give us this day free of cops,
And forgive us our impound charges, as we forgive those who are slow.
And lead us not into speed traps, and deliver us from the interceptors,
For thine is our car, the power, and the glory…forever and ever….amen.
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Old 08-26-2006, 03:52 PM   #2
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Sick Storys...I make sure to remeber them for when I get a few of my own up here...who knows...mabye when the lake over here freezes take it for a spin on the ICE haha!

R1 with Turbo...Hehe willn't beat a supra...but still fun!
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Old 08-29-2006, 10:25 PM   #3
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mabye when the lake over here freezes take it for a spin on the ICE haha!
whoa whoa whoa!!

are you crazy? i think your underestimating what kind of machinery your working with

this things are heavy,
trust me i dunt think you wanna sink your car yet

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 08-31-2006, 03:09 PM   #4
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Smile Good Point!

I agree with him on that one...a 3700LBS car, on a frozen lake.... you will likely go right through. Now if you live up past churchhill, or the 46 parallel, then you should have about 3-5 feet of ice on the lakes. No little -20C weather will make good enough ice!

Now you also have to think about another thing...big car, speed, turning.....on ice. I don't think that you will be drifting, it will be a controlled spinout more likely.

But if you do find a lake, and do end up drifting...RECORD IT!!! We would all love to see that!
My Ride: http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2351563

Our Supra’s, which art in the driveway,
Hollowed be thy power, thy mods are great, thy speed endless,
On the road or at the track. Give us this day free of cops,
And forgive us our impound charges, as we forgive those who are slow.
And lead us not into speed traps, and deliver us from the interceptors,
For thine is our car, the power, and the glory…forever and ever….amen.
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Old 08-31-2006, 11:19 PM   #5
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ur gonna need special tires to drift on ice cause street tires will not work at all u will be sliding all over the place.
Rollin in a 98, flippin 94's
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Old 09-01-2006, 11:24 AM   #6
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what happend to drifting around corners?

cant pple jus find snow covered streetes anymore? lol

street tires can still works, as long as he doesnt punch the gas pedal down
he jus need to get a slow rolling start

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 09-01-2006, 06:53 PM   #7
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Talking Winter Drifting


LOL!!!! So I guess he would be doing what....10-15km\h through a drift...just to keep from hitting the curb behind him....lol.
My Ride: http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2351563

Our Supra’s, which art in the driveway,
Hollowed be thy power, thy mods are great, thy speed endless,
On the road or at the track. Give us this day free of cops,
And forgive us our impound charges, as we forgive those who are slow.
And lead us not into speed traps, and deliver us from the interceptors,
For thine is our car, the power, and the glory…forever and ever….amen.
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Old 09-01-2006, 07:38 PM   #8
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LOL!!!! So I guess he would be doing what....10-15km\h through a drift...just to keep from hitting the curb behind him....lol.
cmon he can do better than that,
on a moderately covered pavement
(i was doing this on the forest preserves here, so no pple driving around)

i was hitting the turns doing 40 mph,
i was using my cadillac back then but, that was beautiful,
my friend damn near crapped his pants when he thought i was gonna fall off the hill
but thats the beauty of a drift isnt it

Into Bikes now,, apparently the supra couldnt kill me, so my zx6 might lol
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Old 09-01-2006, 08:43 PM   #9
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Talking Yup!!

But you have to keep in mind that a Supra is front heavy....REALLY front heavy. So I think in winter it would tend to just swing way the hell out there...under almost any throttle position. I know on pavement I have to watch it, or it would just swing right around...I don't know how winter driving is yet...I just have speculations
My Ride: http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2351563

Our Supra’s, which art in the driveway,
Hollowed be thy power, thy mods are great, thy speed endless,
On the road or at the track. Give us this day free of cops,
And forgive us our impound charges, as we forgive those who are slow.
And lead us not into speed traps, and deliver us from the interceptors,
For thine is our car, the power, and the glory…forever and ever….amen.
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Old 09-13-2006, 02:50 AM   #10
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A70's aren't that front heavy. something like 53/47 balance.
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