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Ahmad88 09-13-2006 02:44 PM

look everybody lets jsut end it before we reach 1,000 pages, FRONT WHEEL DRIVE CARS CANNOT DRIFT think about drifting is sliding sideways around a turn, can front wheel cars do that? no they would grip unless u have alot of HP and bald rear tires so you could slide but still i have never seen a front wheel drive car drift around one turn. if it was a S turn then they can do that cuz it would the car would whip in the other direction and be able to slide at the end of the S turn. Anyway just my opinion. :bigthumb:

82Dragon 09-17-2006 08:12 AM

I think I've done it on accident... Or maybe that was more of a powerslide,
Or a peel-out while already moving. What I did was just hit the clutch while in a turn and coasted while rounding the corner, then I gave it a little too much gas as I let it out and surprise I wasn't moving where I was pointing. I don't know about drifting. I also thought this car was too heavy for that, atleast without turbo, so it is quite possible that I did something else. For the record, my car is an '82 5mge mostly stock from what I can tell. My suspension is CD-Skipping, Soda-Spilling, Teeth-Grinding stiff but it's great at cornering.

My question for you sidewinders is about interiors. I heard the key to getting sideways is losing weight. My interior is thrashed and I'm looking for stuff to restore it. Anybody want to make a couple bucks for stuff you don't want lemme know. Like I said, I have an '82. She's an L-type with burgundy interior. My plastic is chipped all to hell, the vinyl on the dash is sunbaked and I could use some new carpets. You wanna get rid of any of this stuff? Lemme know.


Supra2NR 09-17-2006 09:26 AM


I think I've done it on accident... Or maybe that was more of a powerslide,
Or a peel-out while already moving. What I did was just hit the clutch while in a turn and coasted while rounding the corner, then I gave it a little too much gas as I let it out and surprise I wasn't moving where I was pointing. I don't know about drifting
sounds like you did, but congrats anyways, i learn how to drift without knowing it too

I also thought this car was too heavy for that, atleast without turbo
any rear-wheel drive car, with the right suspension setup can drift
by ur description

My suspension is CD-Skipping, Soda-Spilling, Teeth-Grinding stiff but it's great at cornering.
i think thats what probly enabled you to create the arc, cuz ur suspension is so stiff it dramatically reduces body roll, hencefort giving you more control while in angle


My question for you sidewinders is about interiors. I heard the key to getting sideways is losing weight
nah, i got a 88 n/a supra with stock suspension
and im still able to drift with the car
if skylines, mustangs, chargers, can do it, and those are heavy cars
our supras can too

even without turbo
they got n/a ae86 corollas, drifting against s15's , vipers and big hp cars
it all comes down to technique and how well do you know your car's capabilities, and your boundaries as a driver too

Isphius 09-17-2006 06:06 PM

The problem with supras is steering angle. The wheels dont turn enough. Everyone says the key to drifting is steering angle :)

Supra2NR 09-17-2006 11:02 PM


The problem with supras is steering angle. The wheels dont turn enough. Everyone says the key to drifting is steering angle
then i guess, we all jus got to improvise then
maybe pull on the ebrake a little more harder
maybe a little more gas here and there

we'll see what we can get lol

panger 09-20-2006 01:42 AM

u can put spacers on the inner end of ur tie-rods. this should give you about 10% more angle. i think the machined spacers that they sell for 86's fit our tie rods, but any properly sized spacers/washers should do the trick. the spacers i have are for a corolla. they're about 5/16ths of an inch thick

Boostesi 10-27-2006 10:06 PM

industrial parks are the way to go mang

tone loc 10-28-2006 05:02 AM

today i stole my own supra and tryied just to see if my e-brake worked and for some reason i barly felt it brake. how would you go about fixing that?

Isphius 10-28-2006 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by panger
u can put spacers on the inner end of ur tie-rods. this should give you about 10% more angle. i think the machined spacers that they sell for 86's fit our tie rods, but any properly sized spacers/washers should do the trick. the spacers i have are for a corolla. they're about 5/16ths of an inch thick

This will also mess you alignment all up. And about your ebrake, Tighten the cable, and replace the rear brake pads.

Supra2NR 10-28-2006 08:46 AM


u can put spacers on the inner end of ur tie-rods. this should give you about 10% more angle. i think the machined spacers that they sell for 86's fit our tie rods,
you mean putting negative camber on the car?
its not a bad idea if its a weekend car
but that will eat up tires unevenly
and like isph said it'll mess up the alignment

Ahmad88 10-28-2006 09:58 AM

i drifted in my supra before it was a hell of a rush i had some guy chasing me cause my friend threw an egg on his windshield and we were at a stop sign and he came up to my left and tried to block me and i just looked at him and my friends were like GOOO!!!! i pressed the ECU to pwr, turned right onto a road and floored it. My rear fish tailed a bit and there was a left and right only commin up i turned right cause i knew how to get out of that neighborhood that way. When i turned right i went close to the right curb and turned the wheel to the left and started to slide and counter steered and floored it man it slid like a dream! i drifted again after that. i pulled a linked drift down a whole road i was reaching speeds to about 50 in a 30 mph zone and then i came up to a busy road and the light was green for me as i was comming up to it. i looked in my mirror to see if he was still chasing and he was kinda far away i'd say about 4-6 car lengths. I anticipated the turn and the small level increase and pulled it off!! slid around the corner onto the busy road and made evassive manuevers to lose the guy. Afterwards me and my friends stopped at my house to check out the car and talk about it. Till this day there are still skid marks where i drifted. In my spare time i drive down the same way i lost the guy and re-live it. Its amazing what a person is capable off under pressure, i put all my knowledge of drifting and manuevering to the ultimate test. It was either i got in an accident (which i knew i wouldnt get into) or get caught by the guy and call the cops. That is what i loved about my 88 N/A.

thechori 12-12-2006 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by DRIFT STALKERS
Sup everyone!

it nice to be here and reading every1 post.

to be honest thoughts about supra on drifting.

supras are very good in drifting, drags, and street racing.

as in drifting scene there mostly sil80s, but rx7 & supra are very good as well.

sil80 is very cheap and easy tunes.

rx7 (fc3s & fd3s) and supras (III & IV) are pricey but can win any events.

as you know Rys Millen and Samuel Hubelette were the drifters of silver supra in Drift Day, Formula D and D1 Grand Prix. WWW.D1GP.COM. now Rys is driving GTO, and Samual is driving Viper as in their next level of drifting. for now there is no supra on the scene. im driving RX7 fc3s project drift machine only not on the street. after winnning some events, the supra is my next project or Rys and Samuel will let me use their supra.

someone asking how to drift supra, weights and widness doesnt really matter.
inqury to drift: strut bars front and rear, roll cages, 350-400HP, at least two sets of tires and rims to waste, falken or toyo tires, 13-15" rims(deep dish style), GT spoiler, racing seat (H Point), and E-brakes adj.

level 1. driving around- (must be open tracks or parking lot where no cops see you doing)
to get use to it as low speed 34 mph then speed up carefully to 45, 55 mph.. step by step

level 2. find the spot where noone is around especilly cops, no upcoming cars, no platforms, no bars, make sure floor
is smooth, no hole, no damp ( otherwise axel breaks in and there is no control of it), extra tires and rims,
and nobody is watching but urself and ur friends..
----- drive at 30 mph on corner keep eyes one ur wheel and road. mostly gear 2 or 3rd. gas on flooriing.
stop at any cause

level 3. same street at other time. practice again until u feel sliding. safety first aware at any cause.

level 4. again same as 2 & 3, but this time practice on e-shift( e-brakes), this is little hard to do and timing must be
right on. e-shift is when after about to turn LT( left tiurn) or RT (right turn). this can be done as low speed
for perfect practices. for high speed is recommanded in tracks oe speedway.

level 5. controling - going for the right -- tap right then turn left and holding and control as u gas it, same thing as
going for the left... please look what u doing : like watching the road and other thing is coming in your way.
I recommanded in tracks for safety.

For best practice - i know it sound funny but it always works... try to go todo racing carts, even thought there no shift to gear of but at least u gets an idea how ur carts moves & turns as u gas the whole time and controlling as well.

I hope everyone takes their time practice dont over doing it. u will ended up paying alot of damages. make sure watch DRIFT BIBLE & INITIAL D JAPAN ANIMATIONS actually shows u as well. dvd is where its explains and showing u how to drift step by step on the video or dvd.

thanks supra fans and lover


2004 DEC.

lol all that was a joke right?

dcrusupra 12-13-2006 11:30 PM

Rx7s and Rx8s dont have enough torque to hold a drift well.

RussianMK3 12-14-2006 11:01 PM

some street drifting from japan

RussianMK3 12-17-2006 07:44 PM

some drifting supraz

supraman121 12-18-2006 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by RussianMK3

Out of all the cars here i think that are two toyota's lol a Corolla and a Toyota Soarer the rest are 240's and there is like a skyline no supras :(

quiescent_87 12-31-2006 06:26 AM

Drifting teqniques.
There are couple of drifting teqniques i use... the easiest one is the handbrake. but you can try to powersteer it. when approaching a turn, steer the opposite way then steer into the turn hard and pop the clutch, make sure not to do this on a skinny or busy road cause you might slide out too far the first couple of times. if you have any more question email me and i will gladly explain more tecniques.

RussianMK3 12-31-2006 08:18 AM

a short clip of a MK3 driftin

another clip


dcrusupra 12-31-2006 04:46 PM

BOO! 1js suck! :bouncy: Lol. j/p. I put some serious thought into having one as a daily driver after I build my 7M. O and I like that huge ass wing on the first one. :squint:

JimmyH 01-01-2007 02:37 PM

Hi everyone here on this site; after I read all yours, just wanted to share some info with all the members who are interested in Supra drifting.

I worked for a motorsports company before and am responsible for building cars for my customers. This white 94' MKIV is my favorite project and of course, the owner of this Supra is my personal friend as well. Here is a link of the video we recorded during some practices, hope you all enjoy it. Btw, Supra has a nice platform to drift; it's not an easy car by anymeans, but just I wanted to clearfy all that misunderstanding of people saying Supra is not a "good drift car." There are only "Bad Drivers," but not "Bad Cars." People tend to blame on tools before they even understand how a tool work~~~ hope you all like this car~~

crippin 01-15-2007 03:16 AM

how to slid3 $Upra
welll just practive in the rain in a open parking lot and or practice in dirt so that u get the feeling of your car and just practice diffrent techniques, if its automatic or in the dry ground it will be really ahrd and if it has a stock diff

supra90turbo 01-15-2007 01:30 PM

crippin: that's just stupid. learn how to type properly.

crippin 01-16-2007 12:32 AM

happy now boiiiiiiii i change mt text style no more complaints

Isphius 01-16-2007 07:41 AM

Just one thing. search for some videos of drifiting crash. They are all idiots(or ricers) trying to drift their cars or something on the street, even a guy with an 03 cobra ends up crashing into standstill traffic pn streetfire. I dont mean to sound like a webcop but please dont try this stuff on public roads lol. Not to mention the wreckless driving ticket youll get if caught.

RussianMK3 03-18-2007 09:24 PM

some drift practice vids

BC_GTE 04-05-2007 12:39 AM

hey thats close to where I live Chilliwack BC Canada

BC_GTE 04-05-2007 12:41 AM

anyone else here from BC? Anyone know

twerb089 05-17-2007 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by DRIFT STALKERS
Sup everyone!

at least two sets of tires and rims to waste, falken or toyo tires, 13-15" rims(deep dish style).

sorry to burst ur bubble but dont think they will fit. stock size is 16 because thats the smallest they could fit without hitting the rotors

bowy 07-09-2007 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Supra00
Look i have been trying to drift my supra for a while now i have been unsuccesful. I need to now how. Before u think i'am dum i can drift in my mx7 very easly i need help.!

Plz help


its easy to drift a mkIII i have no problems at all and i just started driven lol

heres a easy way to do it if u have a standerd shift u max out like oo 2nd gear turn the car alil drop it down into first ist alil hard on it but it drifs wonders i done it like 4 times now and my car still runs like a champ

or just wait for snow or rain lol but ull learn the cars feel i became attached to my car considerin it was only 2 and a half car leights behind a s10 striped down to teh frame and body and had a alil moded 350 lol

but driftin pwns love it keep working on it just be carefull someone that bought a mk3 off my dad crashed it 3 days later into a telly phone pole at 66 mph trying down shift and drift hes lucky supras are built like tanks =D

Supra2NR 07-19-2007 04:09 AM

i drive my mk3, and drift it too

but i got into a s14,
and comparing the two,
its not so easy drifting an mk3

its easy to get sideways, you can do that with any car,
but being sideways doesnt really count as drifting

try getting a deep angle on a high speed drift with the mk3
a spin-out is almost emminent

XxSupra-MunkyxX 07-22-2008 11:17 PM

Well i wanna start driftin asap n i found that with full exhaust n an intercooler kit i have enough power to get the ass out. i've recently fixed my boost problem when i replaced my ct-26 turbo n got the intercooler kit. all i need is practice n bein that im in a agricultural state theres alot of empty roads for me to practice!:dance: im gonna compete in october in an amature drift comp in which i hope to spin out like a champ n take a prize.:x:

SC Rydah 05-19-2009 04:37 AM

The same reason why people drift Cressidas! It's a RWD car. So what it's expensive! People drift BMW's! NOW THAT'S EXPENSIVE!! If you have the money and the means, why not?! I'm gonna drift my Supra cuz I wanna be different than almost EVERYBODY on the drift scene.

I'm drifting mine because a Supra will stand out, look and sound good drifting. And because no one really does it. Btw, I can find parts for cheap AND get work done on it for cheap or do it myself. Plus it's the ONLY RWD car I have. And even if I had a 240, I would STILL drift my Supra...

Xversusthemirror 05-21-2009 12:57 AM

So what about the whole posi deal, dont you need yo get an LSD or something?

Codelicious 02-09-2010 09:59 PM

I just picked up a 1986.5 Toyota Supra MKIII and took it drifting the frst night I got it..

It drifts just fine. It's doesn't have any modifications done to it, although mine does have LSD. I didn't seem to have any troubles getting it sideways at all.

If you are trying to learn how to drift start out by going at night when/after it rains that way it's a little more slick. I went to empty industrial areas at about 12-2 am. Start stopped in an open spot and have the wheel turned all the way (left or right doesn't matter) give it some gas until the tires break and start getting used to oversteer! That start try to do small cookies and larger cookies and keep them going for a while just to get the hang of it.

Than move on to a corner, make sure nothing is close so you don't get bad oversteer or understeer and crash into something. If you don't feel confident in doing something that DONT DO IT YET!! It's not worth wrecking your Supra!

Hope this helps.. This is how my friend tought me so hopefully it'll help you too!

doglegs89 04-15-2010 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by Supra00 (Post 20)
Look i have been trying to drift my supra for a while now i have been unsuccesful. I need to now how. Before u think i'am dum i can drift in my mx7 very easly i need help.!

Plz help


Its called clutch kick the shit out of it and countersteer.
It should be pretty easy if you have the power:)

super83 04-16-2010 02:06 AM

when i first got my mk2 i was wondering how hard it would be and after a couple trys it turned out to be easy...tho it needs more room then a s13 or a ae86 its pretty easy to pitch sideways...

turbonicsperformance 05-19-2010 04:04 AM

i just rev it out dump the clutch and let off real quick and my ass slides around like nobodies business just gotta whip it good im on stock suspension and some 235 45 17s with a n/a

eldecoin 04-10-2011 11:56 AM

Toyota Supra almost crash!

You have to be careful with your supra, man...

eric87supra 06-28-2011 06:31 PM

Ok so now knowing you can drift a supra what are the best mods you can do to a stock supra in order to get it sideways. Thanks

mike91 07-07-2011 04:15 AM

better the steering angle.suspension and lighten up the much weight loss in the rear and you'll just spin out, so try and keep it as balanced as possible. and little more hp never hurts.

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